Friday, December 31, 2010

Selfridges Sale

Hohoho..this year I went to Selfridges on boxing day..Well Harrods still tutup so okay lah..mase 2008 pegi sini with my parents and hangkut semua org..mmg la serik..
so this year confirm la pegi sorang and meet my shoe-holic/shopaholic friend..

This boxing day mmg tak target apa2 dah..budget pun kurang..
yelah dh beli my ULTIMATE..lagi nk mengada..
tp just ingat nk cari Longchamp..

so sbb kemalasan, lambat la kuar rumah..
Selfridges bukak at ingat nk queue awal sket je dlm 30 mins..
but tak kesampaian..i reached there around 11.40am..hahhahaa...
tu pun kene queue dlm 5 mins nk masuk selfridges..
Q Gucci and LV tak yah citer laa..still panjang melaut..
Sorry i tak heran okay!! hahahhaa...

kt dalam tu org punye la ramai..but because Longchamp kt lower ground so kurang la sket kesesakan die..bile sampai sana agak frust gak la sbb mostly xde sale..
the SA kate ade sket yg sale but of course la dh habis..tinggal bagpack longchamp je..
mula2 ingat nk beli but rase cam takkan pakai..
(owh i was really careful this time okay!!no impulse buy!!hehe..)
yg ade long handle pun normal price..
so i just grab small and medium long handle..
mase kt situ jumpe la gak another shopaholic/bagaholic mate K.Awanis!! tak amik pic pulak..
then lepas byr jumpe K.Ip and her sister..
mase sale ni tak yah risau le pegi sorang ke hapa..tau punye mesti jumpe kawan2 shopping kalau nk jln ramai2 susah nk tgk better split up and jumpe later..

then i went up to see Yantie at shoe section..
Selfridges dh refurbished their shoe sale section..dh jd gallery..
mmg kelass and cantik..but me dh hilang touch..sbb dh lama x pegi tak tau kt mane brand ape..
so main redah je laa...
as usual 1st day sale mmg jgn harap la nk dpt shoes..

then jumpe Yantie..

ni kt Ferragamo section..
dh penat try kasut tp tak jumpe..terjumpe pulak ngan si Zahida Rafiq ni..
hehe..amik la gambar..
padahal years before ni i jumpe ramai celebrity and datin2 termasuk Datin Ziela Jalil, tp x penah la pulak nk amik gambar..
sekali sekala bagus gak kan..blh buat kenangan..

Pastu dh habis jln2 kt shoes..terjumpa this giant heels..
mmg best..ape lagi..

And actually both of us got something from Ferragamo!!!
hehe...tak dapat beli shoes..
beli Bag yg ade Classic Ferragamo shoes pun jadi lah..
mula2 i found it..but Yantie x beli bag lg so i asked her to beli but the SA carikan for me and ade pulak last piece..
ishhh menggoda betul..ape lg..
70% babe!!!
nasib beli coz mase check kt Harrods still lg 50%..mahal wooo..
nampak je sempoi..but u know..its Salvatore Ferragamore!!
cikai pun jgn harap nk dpt murah!!
so rezeki jgn ditolak!!
(arrghh garu kepala..but bak kate my friend, biar menyesal beli, jgn menyesal tak beli..hahhahaaa..)

Gambar kenangan both of us the SHOEHOLIC!!

Then after shoes, we just went around...tgk2..
dua2 pun x de apa sgt nk beli..
so we went outside lepak kt coffee shop refreshed..
tak amik pics pulak...

dh ok tu ingat nk jln2 kt high street shop but orang ramai nye ya amat..tak larat..
tp sbb mase dtg nampak org gile queue kt Swarovski, we went there..
mmg la cantik2 sgt jewelleries die..
eii nyaris nk beli but memikirkan budget tak byk plus I want to pow my simpan la dulu hasrat ku!!!
price wise pun not bad..
ishh why la i tak amik pics kt situh!! *sigh
bz sgt tgk bling bling!!!

after that we all pun balik..
eii mak buyung ni kene la sedar diri..mase tuh pinggang pun dh sakit...
ish ish ish....

Ni mase nk tunggu bas balik..
owh lupe nk mention..on that day xde tube coz i had to take 2 buses to be there..
nasib la rumah tak jauh mane dr central..
but the problem..bas nk balik full giler..
nasib org tak squashed me....

dpt naik bas pun dh penuh and berdiri sebelah driver..
si driver ni pulak x nak stop until Tottenham Court Road..sebabnye kalau die stop je org rempuh nk naik bas..
so to be safe die jalan terus je...

tgk la org yg mcm semut tuh..
nasib jugak la naik bas dpn selfridges..kalau depan sket mmg xde harapan laa...

ish boxing day ni mmg giler..
but being me..after 3 times berboxing, i kinda get the tune..
dh tau nk strategize..
selalunye org2 yg dtg dr luar just for shopping yg bersesak2 ni..
kitorang yg duk sini dh boleh budget ape and bile nk beli barang dah..
unless u really aim for certain bags during sale..afterall Bicester Village pun ade
tu yg i did my shopping earlier and tak heran nk beratur or bersesak2..
hehe..jgn marah ye..

ok la i think that's it..
yg Harrods tak yah citer la..bukan adepape pun...
mmg tak excited pun this year..hehe.,..
*i guess sbb dh beli Missy C dh jd anti klimaks dah...kalau tak beli naik harga pulak..ish2..
apa2 lah..
we can never get enough of anything rite???



OneWan said...

bag ferragamo tuh tersangatla kiut!!

naza said...

Kaan?? Dh la ade claasic ribbon ferragamo..mane blh tahan! Adoi pening dah...hehe..