Huh I can feel the stress has mounting from day to day..
Why did I choose to do this?? why??Can I turn back the time??
Well mmg tgh gile stress skang ni..patutnya dh festive mood or holiday mood..but this christmas mmg confirm we all tak pegi holiday..thank God for that..if nk pegi mana2 pun belum tentu lepas..
Airport tutup, jalan very icy, trains interrupted..mmg teruk la winter in britain ni..
Pg td at 3.30am br lepas babai my MIL and the girls..diorang pegi Heathrow..tak sure dpt fly or not..hopefully dapatla after 2-3 times flight changed..kesian kt diorang..mmg la best blh stay longer but stress jugak my MIL tu..coz she has so much work to do and meetings etc..
Hope everything is okay with them today..they are suppossed to fly at 8.15 am today..InsyaAllah..
Back to my stress..actually tgh pening siapkan protocol to approach GOSH...i've to do my 2nd part of research!! uwaarggghhh..Whyla i choose to do this doctorate?? mmg dgr best after 3 years dpt DDent, tak payah buat phd dah after this..but the truth it makes me suffer more!!
kan senang if i buat je 2 years MClinDent and buat affiliate..if x pon terus balik after 2 years..dh cfm jd specialist..tak yah pening2 pikir..
now ni asyik mind block je..nk kene buat write up lg, analysis lagi..arrange meeting sana meeting sini, audit etc..giler di buatnye..
and after about 1 month suffering from bad coughing, baru nk rase lega sket, stress balik!! camane nk sihat???ishhh...tension giler!!
Cuti Christmas ni confirm kene duk rumah buat research, my case write up, audit and segala2 nyaa..
rumah ni pulak dh naik i've been thinking of packing up our things and ship back to msia..
patutnye this time around I dh busy buat plan shopping, but this year xde mood langsung laa...nasib dh beli missy c if x shopping pun tak heran laa..dgn weather forecast yg tak menentu..asyik duk snow je.. pening kepala di buatnye..
arrghhhhh...tak taula nk cakap ape dah..sendiri cari pasal, cari penyakit tanggung sendiri laaa...sob sob.....
p/s: to readers, sorrylaa ni je tempat yg plg sesuai for me to release my stress!! tak larat rasenye..ikutkan hati nk give up and lari balik Msia je..huhu...
Why did I choose to do this?? why??Can I turn back the time??
Well mmg tgh gile stress skang ni..patutnya dh festive mood or holiday mood..but this christmas mmg confirm we all tak pegi holiday..thank God for that..if nk pegi mana2 pun belum tentu lepas..
Airport tutup, jalan very icy, trains interrupted..mmg teruk la winter in britain ni..
Pg td at 3.30am br lepas babai my MIL and the girls..diorang pegi Heathrow..tak sure dpt fly or not..hopefully dapatla after 2-3 times flight changed..kesian kt diorang..mmg la best blh stay longer but stress jugak my MIL tu..coz she has so much work to do and meetings etc..
Hope everything is okay with them today..they are suppossed to fly at 8.15 am today..InsyaAllah..
Back to my stress..actually tgh pening siapkan protocol to approach GOSH...i've to do my 2nd part of research!! uwaarggghhh..Whyla i choose to do this doctorate?? mmg dgr best after 3 years dpt DDent, tak payah buat phd dah after this..but the truth it makes me suffer more!!
kan senang if i buat je 2 years MClinDent and buat affiliate..if x pon terus balik after 2 years..dh cfm jd specialist..tak yah pening2 pikir..
now ni asyik mind block je..nk kene buat write up lg, analysis lagi..arrange meeting sana meeting sini, audit etc..giler di buatnye..
and after about 1 month suffering from bad coughing, baru nk rase lega sket, stress balik!! camane nk sihat???ishhh...tension giler!!
Cuti Christmas ni confirm kene duk rumah buat research, my case write up, audit and segala2 nyaa..
rumah ni pulak dh naik i've been thinking of packing up our things and ship back to msia..
patutnye this time around I dh busy buat plan shopping, but this year xde mood langsung laa...nasib dh beli missy c if x shopping pun tak heran laa..dgn weather forecast yg tak menentu..asyik duk snow je.. pening kepala di buatnye..
arrghhhhh...tak taula nk cakap ape dah..sendiri cari pasal, cari penyakit tanggung sendiri laaa...sob sob.....
p/s: to readers, sorrylaa ni je tempat yg plg sesuai for me to release my stress!! tak larat rasenye..ikutkan hati nk give up and lari balik Msia je..huhu...
hang in there Naza. Insya-Allah everything is going to be alright. sikit jer lagi tu. No Christmas break for me too :(. kena siapkan thesis cpt2 then baru la boleh bercuti pjg b4 blk for good. Be strong ok!
yeah I know how you feel. Kekadang marah kat diri sendiri why lah so ambitious sangat ha! now rasakan! isk! tension betul siot! Ihave to buck up and finish in 6 months!!! tak tau banyak mana boleh habis uuuuuuuuwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa!!! sama2 lah kita kan???
Be strong my dear! you can do it! we can do it!!!!
been feeling the same thing lately...:(, I wish my hubby yg study instead of me!
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