Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hehe title plg boring..
Mmg pun..dah lama x blk rumah mase terang nasib today ade revision course MPaed at QMUL, dpt lah blk awal..

Too many things to blog but i still dun hv much time..nnt2 lah bile dh free sket..kerja bertimbun2..semua deadlines in feb...pening!!

But if dpt siapkan semua, i'll be stress free during confinement nnt!!

Alhamdulillah mase blk td my parcel for new toy arrived!! Will blog bout it later..hehe..jgn marah nooo..

And rase syukur sgt coz sepanjang preggy ni almost semua yg dihajati dapat..benda yg x di sangka2 yg ingat takkan mampu sampai blk nnt pun dpt ( ni bukan Missy C) and byk experiences yg ta k terlintas nk rase dpt rase!! Wink2x..


So dlm stress sgt2 pun blh jd happy!! And i would like to thank my beloved hubby sbb sgt supportive, eventho die agak kureng sympathy with my condition (yg berbdn besar n slalu letih), mentang-mentanglah no.3, but he was very supportive with my needs( & kehendak nafsu serakah shopping tak hingat..sampai 1 week ade dua kali delivery..hehe..) the breeze of online shopping!! Yahooo!!!

Ok hope that i can finish everything ASAP then blh blog satu2...

Till then..

P/s: to K.Wan, thanks for the things, am loving it!!
Today je ade 2 deliveries plus ur stuffs!!! :))))

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

OneWan said...

waaaa... new toy? apa?apa? cepatttt reveal!!!! eh sorry sgtx100 td, mmg bizi tak hengat arinih takdpt nak join lunch!! nnti kita set date, hopefully before bersalin lar, nnti kang bertambah2 bizi lak! :)
okies, take care!