Friday, March 18, 2011

40 weeks and ...

And here I am
Waiting anxiously for the contraction to happen
And still tada
That makes me more anxious!!!

Hope it'll happen ASAP!!
I dun want it to be a long overdue..

Tapi Allah Maha Kaya..InsyaAllah everything will be fine..I'll keep praying for the best..

Been stressing myself every day..the more u wait the longer it feels.. So just dun wait!!huhu..
Easier said than done!!

Wateva it is..hope semua selamat..Amin!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Akak Ratu said...

InsyaAllah semoga sumanya selamat... doa akak buat kalian sekeluarga... aaamin

shuweet said...

semoga slamat semuanye dear....take care

Anonymous said...


good are almost there..sikit lagi..nati dh dapat baby bagitau tau..boleh gi melawat :)