Hi peeps, another story morry about sale that has been kept 'kempam' in my draft box..hehe..
Yup it's Manolo Blahnik at Liberty..
remember my previous post bout Manolo Gallery? it has ended now..
and just before it ended, they held a massive sale up to 75%..
u heard me right!!!
and being a Manolo fan since I was early 20s (coz I watched SATC series..), I can't help myself repeatedly drooling over the shoes on the website..dulu susah nk cari Manolo kt London nih..so chances nk cuci mate pun sikit lah...
mase 1st time pegi xde sale langsung and so was during boxing day..
but as a liberty card member, I've received sale emails, invitations etc..
so on Sunday, the same week after Hermes sale tuh, i received sale notification from Liberty..
actually dh few days gak email tuh but baru ade mase nk tgk..
skali after drools again kt Manolo shoes (yup I'm crazy..but I can't afford it if it's not on crazy sale!!), tetiba i was static.. the shoes went for sale up to 75%..
and it was Sunday afternoon at 12, hubby was out playing hockey.he promised he'd be back early..
so i tried my luck to reserve some shoes at Liberty..nk pegi sorang2 with the 2 boys mmg tak laa...
unfortunately design yg i nak sume sold out..diorang nk hold other designs pun susah..sbb tinggal a few more pairs je my size..
dlm hati i dh cakap i dun care...ape2 design la janji Manolo okay!! dh lama mengidam ni..tp takut nk ckp mengidam kang kene dapatkan jugak..what if out of my budget?? but tgk kt website InsyaAllah boleh beli satu kot!! ;)
so lps hubby sampai rumah je terus keluar pegi Liberty...kids semua dh get ready..
and umpan die kate sale dh nk habis so he's better get some stuffs..hehe...
the bile sampai sana dh tinggal 2 shelves of shoes je..and few more boots yg cantik gilerrrrr....owwwhhhh..if only i hv all the money in world!!!
so lepas try2 shoes my size, i opted for the lilac one...
dh suh hubby amik pics but die pun same..malu2 kucing nk snap pics..
lgpun my 2 boys ni bising sgt!!
before ni x penah pun ajak hubby or bwk my kids beli shoes..but this time terpaksa coz perut dh membesar and hari dh gelap..kang jadi apa2 susah..
and surprisingly, my beloved hubby ni rupenye sgt sporting..die tak kisah pun..and he asked me to buy another pair which i've tried..i don't really like it coz nampak retro, but he convinced me if i pakai with jeans it'll looks amazing and different..hehe...sejak bile pulak mamat ni pandai..
but bile pk balik dulu2 mase bercouple, mmg kitorang slalu pegi shopping sama..especially beli kasut..if dating tak beli barang die yg tanye or suruh beli...but a few years back lps ade anak and after he always worked outstation, i used to go shopping on my own and bile kat London ni lagi lah..nk pegi 2 org kene angkut semua..so he gave up..
but i felt good again shopped with him at Manolo..
and die mmg x membantah coz he was being fed with Manolo infos and my dreams to own Manolo since we were 20s...hehe..Alhamdulillah...syukur....
Seriously mmg tak boleh nk express my happy feeling in writing..
hanya org2 yg gile kasut mcm i ni je yg maybe faham..
but specifically for Manolo...maybe xde org yg faham except my hubby!!!
mmg excited giler..x sabar nk balik Msia pegi jumpe my tailor hantar baju baru so boleh attend wedding or formal function and melaram my manolos...hikhik..
giler kaaannn????
nway enjoy the pics..

pic ni my hubby amik setelah puas di paksa..
mase tgh try shoes tu die x amik pulak..
rupenye he was busy deciding..hehehhe...

tote bag...ade hal pulak hrtu..isk..isk...

Not only one....
But TWO!!!
Two pairs of Manolo Blahnik!!
(couldn't believe it myself...)
Sorry peeps...hehehheee....
My 1st pair
(my choice!!)
The Lilac pumps..
(lupe and malas nk tgk name die exactly..hehe...)
My 2nd pair
(hubby choice)
Leather pump with tweed fabric..
ala2 Chanel gituh!!
Tgk skali cam old skool..
but he's right, bile pakai casually mmg cantik..
and it's something different!!
he always loved brown and retro..
but ok ape..hehe...

And this is tote bag i bought last year when they launched the gallery...
and i have a few metres of Manolo exclusive print fabric utk kenang-kenangan..
tak tau nk buat ape lg...tgk laah..
nk frame pun boleh..
fabric tu kejap je dh sold out and it's expensive okay!!
heheh..crazy mee....
bab membazir mmg no.1 (bak kate my hubby..)
ape boleh buat..
tah bile nk dpt Manolo lagi kan???
ok ok..i rase cukup la excitement tu kt sini..kang ade yg kate minah ni dh giler ke ape..
but i tell u...
I'm Manolo fan..so mmg tak boleh buat ape laah..
and God is great!!! Alhamdulillah!!!!!
p/s: boleh beranak dgn senang hati..hehehhee....
pss: to those yg tak pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Liberty, sila2lah ke sana..i think mmg worth cuci mate
actually my mom yg suruh pegi tgk kan kain2 kt sane..and arwah my opah mmg suke beli fabric kt Liberty..and br smlm my mom bgtau one of my baju kurung mase dulu2, kain nya my opah beli kt Liberty..heheh..dh tua bangka br nk tau...
it's located at Great Marlborough street right behind Oxford circus tube...
Happy Liberty peeping!!
naza.......i nk jugak tote tu.at least dpt fabric pun ok.plisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Babe, i emailed u.. :)
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