1 step higher..
susah kalau suka sgt kt buah apple ni..bikin kering poket..hehe...
presenting my newly acquired 'buah Apple'
(actually mimpikan Macbook Air, but after careful consideration, pro lah yg berjaya di bawak balik!!)

Nak cerita betapa efficientnya Apple service kt sini..
actually I was so desperate to buy notebook, coz one of ours dh kong!!
writing up punye pasal la ni..
then after a few times visiting apple store at Regent's street, I've decided..
kebetulan ade offer dapat printer free using rebate..
so dh decide nk beli etc, tgk2 camane nk hangkut printer HP tu..setakat Macbook boleh la..
so I've opted for home delivery..same day delivery..
konon2 nk surprise kan en.hubby laa..sbbnye mase tu baru 12pm, estimated delivery was on 7-9pm..
so me dgn senang hati pegi skool and buat kerja, balik rumah around 5pm..
masuk2 bilik tgk si kotak ajaib ni dh ade atas katil together2 dgn printer..
and i found out that it has arrived at 2pm!!
Gilerrr tersangat efficient!! within 2 hours dh sampai to my house!!
so ape lagi membelek2 laahh si buah apple ni..hehe...
and i've got the mac her sleeves..
kan shoeholic!!
so sesuwaiiilaaahhh sleeve nya..
nanti2 la if are rezeki lebih...
p/s: lebih bersemangat nk buat keje bg siap nih!! hehe...
guna x discount for higher education kat apple store tu? hehehe byak buleh jimat....
ahhh bestnye!!! jealous gila! Selamat hari raya btw! I pulak DUA computer kong time write up ni!! uwaaa!! dah lah tengah fokais!! terpaksa beli Toshiba aje! wooish jealousnye you dapat macbook!!! memang stress buat write up ni!! uuwaaa!!!! rasa macam nak mati siot! beranak pun lagi senang hahaha!!
naza..i nak case tu..naza oh me plis! bila u nk blk msia?i nk pesan smthg..
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