on 9th December 2011, at 11.20 am, I was told by Paul (my course coordinator) that I passed my DDENT!! My doctorate which is my second title of DR..
My reaction was like: are you sure Paul? and he said YES!
still I was quiet until a few minutes later that I shouted I passed!!(it was delayed reaction!)
Syukur to Allah the Almighty!!
Haha..still couldn't believe it myself! I hv finally reached the end of my journey here..
when I looked back, there were so many tears than smile in finishing this war..I cried, i was frustrated, I was down, lost my confidence..everything.. u name it..
if not because of my SV Susan and Paul, I would hv run back to Msia and not finishing this course..yes i sound crazy..but believe me, my SV was really good, perfect! A very dedicated young woman, with all the patience in the world. I have once looked at her (in my stressed day) and said, I don't know if I can finish this. And she just be there for me, encouraged me, supported me! She was willing to walk a building away just to help me solved some stupid problems on Excell!! even stayed back after work just to accompany me finishing my upgrade presentations, guided me in getting the results..etc..
And on my rainy days with sick children, i was told to leave and be with my family!! I am really grateful that I have her as my SV..eventhough she is strict and details, without her pushing me I'm sure I am still hanging around struggling with my research..
And not to forget, my hubby. I should be thankful that Allah jodohkan kami. I'm sure not many men in this world can stand crazy wife like me.. 1 second I was happily chatting with him, on the next second I shouted like a mad woman.. seriously on my stressed and down days, he was my emotional garbage bin! sometimes I pity him, but sometimes I hv no choice other than expressed my frustrations to him!! Kesian my hubby! Nasib la die tak lari balik before I finished!! huhu...mmg bersabar betul my hubby nih! kdg2 kesian sgt kt die but what to do..u can't control yourself sometimes!! ;(
To my beloved children, mummy would like to thank you for being patient and I will make it for the time that had been lost..I promised! To my baby, i'm sorry for abandoning you for a few months, just to concentrate on my research and write up. Sometimes mmg tak sempat nk tgk baby pun, after 6 months, he slept with my makcik helper (not everyday..). The next morning, i just gave him morning kiss and left and came back almost midnight! Hopefully die tak ingat la semua tuh..
To my parents that had supported me in and out, thank you for all the visits, doa and encouragement. Without you I dunno if I can reach this level.
My parents in law, siblings and in laws, thank you so much for the helping hands, again all the visits, and doa..
To makcik Puziah that helped me in my last few months, thank you for all the patience and nice cookings. I gained weight eating all your cookings! Sometimes die pun jadi victim kene marah because of my stress!! tp she treated me like her own daughter and buat2 tak peduli je me yg emo nih!! thank you so much!
Last but not least, to all friends that helped me a lot!! My retail therapy buddies, my joli2 buddies, my colleagues, my malaysian neighbour (u know who u are!), my local neighbours.. Thank you so much! Without all your help i am not where I am now!!
I am so grateful that i was surrounded by lovely people and God is GREAT!! Alhamdulillah!!!
another 20 days to enjoy London!! I'm sure I'm gonna miss this place like hell!! InsyaAllah ade rezeki dapatlah menjejakkan kaki ke bumi London lagi..sobss....
congrats naza...
congrats kak nazaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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