Saturday, February 5, 2011

Whittard Craze..

Or should I call it addict??
One of my fave tea, hot choc and coffee shop..the best!!
sejak mula2 try the instant tea, I'm in loove..terus beli buat stok kt rumah..

I think Whittard has the best range of drinks..bile blk Msia mesti tak lupa bwk for my mom and MIL..and my MIL dh mula addicted to the mase die dtg last December, tak sempat pun nk pegi Whittard ni..kedai die tak byk..and diorang dtg few days je..

Well last time byk jugak offer, eg 3 for 2..but now dh susah..especially the instant tea..
It costs GBP5 per can, but now buy 3 for 13..x dpt dah 3 for 2..
Hot choc pun..

so last week ade offer la payahnye if sign up for all online newsletter..asyik dpt email pasal sale je...
dulu rajin jugak nk menjejak ke Tottenham Court Road..kt Brunswick near my school dh tutup..
now sbb dh malas nk pegi and malas nk mengangkut berat..beli lah online..

tp sbb nk dpt free delivery kene la borong sket..tak pelah..
i bought some for my MIL gak..nnt nk kirim..
dh byk dah we all try.. this time top up mane2 yg dh habis and try the new flavours...

tea and coffee dh beli mase boxing day hrtu..hehe...giler kan??
and the delivery was very fast..siap pakai FedEx lagi..

Akhirnya sampai la sekotak...

My fave selalu Luxury Hot choc and caramel,
this time br try yg Banoffee (Banana + Toffee) and Tiramisu..
not bad...
yg lain tu blum bukak lg..nnt2 lah..hehe..

if instant tea, i would go for dreamtime and pink lemonade
Tea bag: Vanilla, English Rose and Pomegranate..

Instant Coffee: I love Vanilla coffee
and ground coffee: Guatemala Antigua..

semua ade tp malas nk amik gambar..hehe..
dasar pemalas..pls excuse me okay..
u all pegi la browse kt Whittard website..
tu belum lg tgk teacups and teapot die..cantik2 jugak but mahal..nnt before blk kene la beli sket kan..hehe...

orait till then..
Happy trying!! ;)


OneWan said...

uisk.. banyaknya stok!! nih nnti nk balik nk pulun ship brapa botol ni? hehehe eh tp dia punya chinas mmg cantik2, tp mahal giler! tp apapon mmg nak beli gak satu set bwk balik! hahaha

naza said...

Haha kitorang mmg plan nk bwk blk stok kt msia..can't live without the teas and hot choc..
Kitorang blk lambat sket kot maybe nov/dec..but lom apply lg..just bgtau dato' je..hehe..