Well hrtu ade kesempatan nk join coffee morning para lady of leisures..hehe..almaklumlah kite ni bz with student life but ape salahnye join kan..
Actually coffee morning among housewives/spouses in London ni mmg kerap..penah gak dpt invitations a few times but slalu clash with my clinics..dh namenye morning!! :)
Ok hrtu ade sorang ni, her hubby works in Tourism Msia in London..dpt info from someone local who worked in BNTM..
Kan hrtu diorang dtg msia..
Ok back to the topic..from the source the top lists of handbags in UK:
1. Hermes
2. Chanel
3. Mulberry
4. Prada
5. Miu miu
And ade lg a few that she mention..
And that source kate LV, Gucci, Burberry etc x le bagus sgt sale in UK..org2 Msia je sibuk2 nk beli LV, Gucci etc sbb nk menunjuk kan???
But from my own observations in London, mmg these brands are among the popular one: (takde validation just from my own eyes)
Mulberry- almost everyday npk dlm tube, bus etc..now i can tell that its Mulberry!! Not only bayswater but semua model laaa..
Longchamp le pliage - ni pun same..almost half will carry it as their main bags or 2nd bags..thats including me..hehe..
Chanel- classic black (yg red or other colours rare ok..fuh nasib i'm among rare sp..hehe)
Prada - ni pun byk..nylon prada and even leather..
Hermes (depends location, not really on tube)
Anya Hindmarch- ok la, so so..but kene perati betul2 br npk sbb nye logo die kecik sgt and shape/design etc variety..so susah nk teka sekali pandang..
YSL - blh thn but i'm not pro yet so x brp nk nmpk lerr..
Miumiu- jarang npk..tah pasal coffer tu famous sgt among msian? Tah laa..tp mmg la cantik kan? Hehe..
LV, Gucci or Burberry mmg among Asian je..jarang npk mat saleh angkut this brands unless its leather, not the monogram..
Even Fendi pun x brp..Dior ade jugak but not on top of the list..
So after this kene pikir betul2 ni what's my next bag on the wish list..tanak simply buy bcoz sale wateva..hehe..
Susah2..mane nk korek ni? Kan best if the money tree grows in my backyard.. Emmm...
Think..think... :P
With Alia the Mak Andam
(look at the tudungs..I'll definitely mengerah my sis to buy some for me..hrtu byk stok dh habis..huhu..)
With the host..
thanks babe...really enjoyed it!! ;)
choc cake..dh potong br nk amik pic..
and the delicious nasi lemak..
(balik rumah terus mengantuk tak hengat)
me menerai tudung baru..hehe...
Nurul with tudung ala2 Yuna..
ala naaak jugak tudung ni... ;(
P/s: i'm in denial since yesterday!! Duk lepak mcm xde kerja but the truth is i've to submit 2 assignments..dh la esok ade bday party to attend..ish why la now ni rajin pulak nk bersosial...aduhhh..dtg la kerajinan nk buat keje nih!!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Actually coffee morning among housewives/spouses in London ni mmg kerap..penah gak dpt invitations a few times but slalu clash with my clinics..dh namenye morning!! :)
Ok hrtu ade sorang ni, her hubby works in Tourism Msia in London..dpt info from someone local who worked in BNTM..
Kan hrtu diorang dtg msia..
Ok back to the topic..from the source the top lists of handbags in UK:
1. Hermes
2. Chanel
3. Mulberry
4. Prada
5. Miu miu
And ade lg a few that she mention..
And that source kate LV, Gucci, Burberry etc x le bagus sgt sale in UK..org2 Msia je sibuk2 nk beli LV, Gucci etc sbb nk menunjuk kan???
But from my own observations in London, mmg these brands are among the popular one: (takde validation just from my own eyes)
Mulberry- almost everyday npk dlm tube, bus etc..now i can tell that its Mulberry!! Not only bayswater but semua model laaa..
Longchamp le pliage - ni pun same..almost half will carry it as their main bags or 2nd bags..thats including me..hehe..
Chanel- classic black (yg red or other colours rare ok..fuh nasib i'm among rare sp..hehe)
Prada - ni pun byk..nylon prada and even leather..
Hermes (depends location, not really on tube)
Anya Hindmarch- ok la, so so..but kene perati betul2 br npk sbb nye logo die kecik sgt and shape/design etc variety..so susah nk teka sekali pandang..
YSL - blh thn but i'm not pro yet so x brp nk nmpk lerr..
Miumiu- jarang npk..tah pasal coffer tu famous sgt among msian? Tah laa..tp mmg la cantik kan? Hehe..
LV, Gucci or Burberry mmg among Asian je..jarang npk mat saleh angkut this brands unless its leather, not the monogram..
Even Fendi pun x brp..Dior ade jugak but not on top of the list..
So after this kene pikir betul2 ni what's my next bag on the wish list..tanak simply buy bcoz sale wateva..hehe..
Susah2..mane nk korek ni? Kan best if the money tree grows in my backyard.. Emmm...
Think..think... :P
Nway enjoy some of the pics..lupe pulak nk amik pics ramai2..
tp tak ramai mane pun..
this CM was for tudung baru trying and sale..
Yantie's friend from Msia brought some stocks and she's Mak Andam..so we got free demo as well..at least tak le beli tudung n tak tau nk pakai kan..
note to self: next time need to camwhore more...hehe...
tp tak ramai mane pun..
this CM was for tudung baru trying and sale..
Yantie's friend from Msia brought some stocks and she's Mak Andam..so we got free demo as well..at least tak le beli tudung n tak tau nk pakai kan..
note to self: next time need to camwhore more...hehe...
(look at the tudungs..I'll definitely mengerah my sis to buy some for me..hrtu byk stok dh habis..huhu..)
thanks babe...really enjoyed it!! ;)
and the delicious nasi lemak..
(balik rumah terus mengantuk tak hengat)
ala naaak jugak tudung ni... ;(
P/s: i'm in denial since yesterday!! Duk lepak mcm xde kerja but the truth is i've to submit 2 assignments..dh la esok ade bday party to attend..ish why la now ni rajin pulak nk bersosial...aduhhh..dtg la kerajinan nk buat keje nih!!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Rasanya bukan Malaysian nk menunjuk tp handbags tu yg consider affordable..
bukan semua org mampu nk beli Hermes and Chanel :)
Ieda: oppsy..don't get offended..me pun bukannya mampu sgt nk beli handbags tu..but goood to know fr the local ppl's view kan..and believe me or not, LV is not affordable pun!!i dun hv a single LV pun..tiap kali ade niat nk beli mesti x berjaya, sbb xde yg betul2 berkenan and i've bad incident with this brand!! Gucci- mmg affordable during sales, but cube tgk sape yg mengangkutnyer..termasuklah sye ni dolu2..
Kt Msia, sales this brand la yg tinggi esp the monograms.. ;)
memang betul pun apa yang dia cakap. I think its based on culture kot. Kat UK ni they all suka understated bags. I remember one of my brit friend cakap, she feels like a walking billboard whenever she wears monograms. ish! pelik betul they all ni!!
To be honest, I just think they all ni rasa they all ni macam bagus. more superior than the asians. owh well .. I pakai all sorts to fit my different moods hehe! tengok outfit lah.. billboard pun billboard lah! hahahahahah :P
aaaa....nak join the tudungs get together sebab i'm useless in tudung styling....but love love the way orang2 skang pakai tudung...hehehe
Nana: tu la Brits ni more conservative kan..i guess that's one of the reason they didn't go for monograms..hehe..
Farah: emm ingat ko bz giler..phone pun x penah angkat..hehe..kite tunggu host lain pulak nk menjemput...
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