Hiyee peeps..
tonite nk citer sket about Chanel Sale last month..
ingat nk simpan lg but kang dh basi tak best pulak..
afterall I've already have some drafts on sales i attended last month..hehe..
Actually before berangan nk ade Chanel which started in 2009, tak tau pun diorang ade sale..ingatkan this brand never has any sale..so mase Summer Sale 2010, while I was waiting outside Harrods, jumpe my friend telling me bout the sale..which I missed unfortunately..
I knew the people that went to the Chanel Sale coz before that mmg dh berkenalan and jumpe several times..and they are the wives of Oil& Gas husbands..so rase org mcm I ni mmg mcm tak de harapan la nk dapat satu kan..hehe..(gile rendah diri mase tuh..)
tp Allah tu Maha Kaya..dgn tak disangka2 after balik Msia harituh, rezeki murah..di tambah pulak dgn preggy..akhirnya end of 2010, just a few months after summer sale to be exact in November, I am the proud owner of the latest Chanel 2.55 Jumbo double flap which is still on the website and in Cruise Collection 2010/2011..mase tu menggeletar jugak tangan ni nk pegi bayar..bile dh dapat tak leh tido malam pulak sbb duk terpikir layak ke aku ni nk pakai Chanel kan..but when I think about it more and more, satu je conclusion: if bukan rezeki kiter sampai bile2 pun takkan dapat..Alhamdulilllah mmg itulah rezeki saya tahun 2010..even my hubby pun tak bisisng sbb die dh di'pester' dr summer yg i will buy chanel before balik...hehhehe...syukur!!!!
oppsy dh melalut and emo pulak..hehe...
ok back to the sales..
this time mmg dinanti2 kan..i tau K.Zalifah ni mmg hantu Chanel..her friend Shireen dh back for good..but diorang ni dh ade berbijik2 dah..siap Shireen tu Hermes Birkin and Kelly pun dh ade..balik before boxing day pun tak heran lah kan....
mase dekat nk sale tu, K.Awanis dh call K.Ipah and we all dh tau the date..pastu pulak a few days before the sales, I was browsing Chanel at Harrods, diorang dh letak notice date of sale..so mmg dh confirm laa..
the day before tu, i mmg la bersemangat..bukan aim nk beli bag pun..makcik mana ade uwang sudah..tp berharap la kot2 ade bag yg betul2 murah, mane la tau..
I was aiming to get the chain belt..sbb mase tgk kt Paris hrtu mmg xde sale and it is a classic piece..
so berbekal kan duit yg secipot ni, dgn perut yg makin membesar, I went to the sale..Janji dgn K.Awanis awal, alih2 sampai 5 minutes after the boutique bukak. K.Awanis dh jd org first..best la die byk duit..hehe..nk back for good pun..so semestinye la beratur depan2 kan...
mase masuk tu mak aii yg ramai org Msia...seriously...masing2 pegang 2-3 bag..dgn anak2 dara diorang pun sama..muda2 pulak tuh..
ade pulak Cina Msia ni 4 bags die pegang..me pun mcm kelam kabut tgk..but semua nya di luar my budget...hehe..
overall the price mmg murah la..30-40% off retail price..but not the classic pieces..
sorry la tak amik gambar pun..firstly malu, 2nd ly sbb ramai org..
we went to Sloan street dulu..
ok tgh org busy2 tgk bags yg i tak mampu beli tuh, i browsed the other section..mmg nk jd rezeki laaa...dapat pulak benda yg berkenan dan harganye affordable..before tu xde org pun nk tengok, maybe coz the price tag was hidden, bile I asked the SA to try, ramai pulak yg tunggu kot2 i ni tanak..so mmg rezeki jgn ditolak laah kan..hehe..yabedabeduuuu...dapat jugak.Alhamdulillah...
Next we went to Brompton Boutique..K.Ipah ni mmg pakar Chanel and siap the SA kenal die lg..nampak sgt mmg regular...pegi pulak naik cab..
kite ni dh la jrg naik taxi, cash pulak bwk brp ketul je..hehe..takpelah tokey bayar...

Ni mase kt Sloan Street..

I got mine kt Sloan..kecik jeee...hehe...
ni pulak mase kt Brompton...
byk betul classic chanel bag kt sini..
rasenye dulu penah lalu, tp mane la masuk butik ni..takoot...hehe..

But sales item tak banyak..
we met another of K.Ipah's friend, K.Harlina..
pun hantu Chanel..xpelah hubby die buat business kete kt London ni and mmg org local..
so ade ape hal..kan..
siap after die bayar die tanye kite how much was the bag..
main bayar je tak tgk price tag..
ishh jealous sungguh aku...
(konon bwk bag skolah skali sbb nk pegi skool after that lah..harapan laah... ;P )

tu bag2 merah latest collection sume ade..
but jumbo xde lah...
K.Ipah is looking for jumbo as well..hehe..

Well ni hasil Ms Zalifah at Sloan Street..
i tumpang bergambar je la..
die dapat beli weekender bag..cantik and murah gak laaa...
besar lak tuh!!

and ade pulak org membeli brooch..not on sale..
kalau ikutkan hati and if poket penuh nk jugak angkat satu..
tp sedar2 diri laa kan..hehe...
lgpun it was not on sale..so tgk la bile2 ade rezeki blh beli...
ni bergambar kt luar Brompton boutique..
next destination, BOND STREET..
giler jugak la pegi ngan diorang ni..
but kite ni dah alang2 menyelit, ape salahnye kan..
naik taxi lagi..sponsor lagi...hehhe..
but this time dh malu sket so i top up 1 pound..hehe..
1 pound jee..dh itu je yg tak cukup..bahagia giler!!!
Unfortunately takde gambar pun kt situ.. gara2 dh lapar and penat..
bag lebih kurang laa..
byk gak stok tp org tak ramai..
mase nk balik jumpe sape tau?
anak sultan pahang!!
pegi Chanel sale bwk Hermes Birkin medium size kaler purple lagi..
but die tak tegur laa..
K.Ipah and K.Harlina yg ditegur by her assistant..
tak tau bag mane yg die beli..muke die mmg sebijik rupe sultan pahang...
then we had lunch and coffee at restaurant nearby..
K.Awanis rushed back sbb die byk benda nk settle..
on the same day ade Longchamp sale gak...
but dh lambat kan..mase i pegi tu brg byk dh habis..
tp dpt la gak 2 ketul bag kecik..jadilah...
then dh tak larat dah...balik la rumah...
So my loot..
Mula2 kan dpt paperbag kecik je, but K.Ipah baik hati bg satu paperbag..
sbb die kate die tak simpan pun..nnt buang je..
hehe..best betul minah ni..
mau aku pow lagi lain kali...
ni lah my paperbag, kecik je..
but hati berbunga2 tau!!!
I bought this chain belt..
lawa tak?
it can be converted to necklace as well..
price wise..if tak sale jauh lg mahal dr classic piece yg i eye tuh...
tu lah namenye rezeki...ALhamdulillah...
bertambah lg my Chanel collection... ;)

ni pun K.Harlina's bag..
besar bag ni..mmg puas hati..
price pun ok..
kalau ikut hati hartu mmg i yg nk beli..
but memandang kan none of us beli, so she took it..
and she said it is a nice bag coz lightweight and spacious..menyesal giler tak beli...sob2..
(kirenye masih mampu la kan..but if beli kene ikat perut laaah...)
ni lah K.Harlina..
wife to tokey kete...hehhehe...
but she's very2 nice..
tak rase pun keluar with org2 posh ni..
tu blom tgk ape kete yg die drive..I malu lah nk tanye...
takpelah if ade rezeki jumpe lg..kan...hehe...
(with my chain belt converted to necklace)
NI pulak K.Ipah's bag bought in Brompton..
lawa giler...
besar and lain..kunun2 die beli nk jual balik..
alih2 die kate she's in love with the bag and pakai hari2...
actually ade logo C on the leather and C chain..
but tak amik pulak gambar close up...
die bayar cash ok..hehe..
puas la kitorang tunggu die kira duit..best betul tengok...
(but shhh..offline je tau..kang marah pulak die i ni kepoci)
dulu2 i tau die ni..but segan la nk sembang sgt sbb minah ni slalu vogue..i was closer to Shireen..but bile dh kenal K.Ipah ni..mmg die sgt peramah and happy go lucky..suke betul kawan dgn die..but unfortunately she's going back for good very soon..
xpe lah nnt ade rezeki kite jumpe kt msia...
rumah pulak dkt edgware road near Jimmy Choo couture boutique and ade org ckp dkt je ngan umah Tony Blair..
but her husband pun sempoi jeee..
i ni je yg malu2 nk kawan...hehe...
Buat bday party anak die hrtu pun kt HOliday Villa tau..
merasa la kitorang pegi makan free... ;))
And loots ni..her friend came from msia to shop..
giler2 laaa..
beli Fendi, and other designer bags..
pastu dtg party...best giler tgk org msia ni..
kaya2 skang ni..
buatkan i ni takut nk balik..huhu...
ok la i think that's all till now..
nnt i'll blog about other sales pulak..
and after this sale, mmg semangat membara2 nk save duit..
nk shopping mase summer sale nnt...
1 comment:
cantiknye bag merah ipah tu!!! really really different!!! hehehe! sayang dia tak nak jual hik! hik!
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