Alhamdulillah finally I've submitted my thesis..(actually should hv asked for today 111111) ;P
Mmg la seronok.. sbb byk sgt cerita duka di sebaliknya..
And I'd like to thank my SV- Susan and HOD- Paul for having faith in me..
kalau ikut kan myself, mmg rasenye tak habis lg..
But they hv been really positive..
Paul pulak really strict..kata2 yg tak blh dilupa: I don't care! You hv to submit or u can fail!!
Gosh mase tu tuhan je lah yg tau..keluar je meeting terus menangis meraban2..bukan sekali dua..but byk kali..he was firm!! no wonder semua doctorate and phd student under him finish on time, including me!! yippeee... (my extension was due to interruption! if not mmg habis on time laa...)
As for Susan, mmg die selalu kesian kan me..she kept on saying; u're not superhuman, so don't try to be one..family is priority..yg paling tak tahan bile die cakap, "I have faith in you and I'm sure you can do it..just write it and i'll help you"..
mase dh dapat my results from analysis, and proven my research will be a new findings in the UK, she was the one who was really excited..siap muka berseri cakap, "Naz, I'm so excited for you, can't wait"..nk tau what was my reply? hehe..
"Susan, U make me nervous!!!" and i terus cabut lari..serious mase tu ade lg 3 weeks and byk giler nk write up..But Alhamdulillah, all my late nights at school (kdg2 sampai kul 11pm, sampai kene halau dgn security), all the early mornings at home (bgn kul 3.30 am stay up sampai ptg..)..semua nya berbaloi..
mase submit tu siap tanye Paul lg, ade ke possibility nk fail.(still x confident..hehe), and he said not to worry..looking at my thesis, i'm ok..InsyaAllah!! That's my next challenge..VIVA nx month!!
And not to forget, my beloved hubby, kids and makcik that helped me through this disastrous period!! Seriously I could not hv done it without their helps..mane taknye..almost 3 months tak lekat kt rumah, balik rumah pun tak sempat nk buat ape..baby pun tak jaga sgt, masak tak langsung..kemas rumah pun tak..mmg tak sempat laah..
Also to my parents, parents in law and my siblings and in laws who had come and visited us, helped us a lot!! Thank you so much!! May God Almighty repay your kindness!!
So now, I'm having my cooling off period..nk relax sikit before my Viva..
Here is my thesis:

Next phase: to publish paper coz I hv produce a new REFERENCE DATA SET for tooth development in the UK...yup u heard me right!! and no one has ever use my method!!
yeaa so happy!!! Hopefully that paper will benefit the UK population in the future!! ;)))
Esok, my MIL sampai...so blh lepak2 sikit before proceed with my packing!! Giler pening tgk brg yg berlambak nih!! Adoi!!
Wish me luck okay!! ;))
p/s: kalau nk ikut byk lg nk story, tp takpelah..bile2 ade mase or just keep it to myself..hehe..
Congratulations my friend! Pray for more success to come!
terus semangat nk submit thesis gak.hahaa
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