Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hermes Sale

Ahaa another citer basi...
Ok this sale was really a surprised one..mmg x expect langsung..nway thanks again to Ms.Zalifah coz kind enough to invite me..

Ok actually there was one morning when I texted K.Ipah asking bout her eye..she got some sort of eye staining on her iris n gp said it was nothing. I was a bit concern coz obviously the stain is there!! GP kt sini mmg teruk!! I realised it during Chanel sale tuh..

Ok skip that part..then she called me and we chatted..suddenly she asked me if I wanted to go to Hermes sale or not..I was excited laa..giler ape x pernah dgr ade Hermes sale okay!! Actually she got the invitation from the boutique..dh die pun regular kt situ n still waiting to get her Birkin..siap mase we went to Chanel sale in Bond Street singgah Hermes dulu..again the SA knew her!!

After dh amik detail etc, i pun prepare lah. Luckily its friday n i dun hv clinic..at 1st she told me her friend will q at 8am and she'll come later..

So this time i mmg excited, 7.45 dh tercongok. It wasn't at the boutique..it was held at one quiet street near Bond St..nasib i knew the place coz penah pegi sample sale Reiss..haha u know me..kt mane ade secret sale mesti i redah..why live in London if u dun want to experience all this kan?? Heheeee...

Mase queue tu dh la hujan and i was among the first 15..semangat ok!! Dh ade la budget sket but of course la x target benda mahal..

Ok this sale was held at Music Room South Molton Street
mmg tersorok, but nasib i dh penah pegi sini, so not a problem to me..

mase q tu sign pun x bwk kuar lg..hehe...

then at aound 8.15, baru la diorang put the sign out..
(I heard from the lady behind me this sale was advertised in newspaper..but x tau la paper ape..mesti yg businessman/woman yg baca kan..)

and lg satu that same lady siap mengutuk la ade minah2 dlm queue kt blkg tu ckp mcm they don't looked like Hermes customer etc..
ish sakit hati je dgr..i ni pun bukan penah beli Hermes makcik oiii...
but kwn die dgn terang2an ckp budget die 200 below...
ish boleh dpt ape la kan..
but being a first timer to Hermes Sale, I dunno what to expect..
Nasib K.Ipah dh input me a lil bit bout the sale they attended last year..

Surprisingly ramai nye kaum lelaki yg queue..x pernah tgk ramai mcm tu..

When the door opened, i was palpitating..hehe..dh la sorang kan..K.Harlina that was supposed to come early x dtg pulak..so x pelah..

Well bile kt dlm mcm kelam kabut la gak nk start kt mane..bile dh pusing2 agak frustrating coz xde accessories pun.. Yg ade readywear, gloves, hats, belts yg x lawa, ties and of course shoes!!

So my next aim was shoes section..mmg cantik2 but still pricey..yg classic design pun byk!! Shoes that i can afford xde size pulak..ish geram je.. Boots etc mmg sgt menawan hati but kn dh nk blk so xde maknenye nk beli kasut winter nih!!

Then K.Ipah sampai..pun puas die cari shoes but mostly xde size..i dh pegang one sneakers ni..cun laa..but bile mengenangkan blk n pk betul2 bout the price i hv to let go to K.Ipah.. Siap dh ade minah sorang ni duk follow tunggu kasut tu..heheee..

ni tgh menerai kasut Hermes okay!! ;)
Cun shoes ni..
but price die pun cun jugak laah..
oopss Jimmy Choo tu not mine yee..
tu minah yg q blkg i tuh..jumpe lagi..isk..isk...

Pastu tgh bz cari shoes lain terjumpa la pulak this Msian.. Guess who??

She's the Millionaire sisters yg buat unit trusts cimb kt msia...Akhmar!!

She got invitations from Hermes itself okayy!! I heard she's driving Bentley so mmg layakla pakai Hermes kan!! :)

mmg fly to LOndon and Paris for shopping..ade apehal kan..duit berkepuk..
kasut die ade la 2-3..boots yg die pakai pun mmg dh Hermes...

ish tak amik pulak pic with K.Ipah..
yup I'm sux at taking pics..masih ade rase segan2 nk snap sesuka hati..kang kate aku ni jakun sgt la kan...hehe..

then kitorang round lagi cari brg for our hubby pulak..
no wonder la Hermes ni ramai peminat di kalangan men..
byk gak offer esp on ties, shirts etc..
if only my hubby pakai all sort of things..
fyi, my other half mmg tak pakai formal2 nih..nature of work die mmg kotor2..
and he doesn't like to wear branded items..totally opposite from the wifey!! ;P

but at last jumpe jugak..
lgpun our 7th Anniversary dh dekat...blh la combine dgn his bday..hehe..
dasar nk jimat duit..bab pow die tak hengat...hahha....nasib la labu!!

After the sale, we had coffee at the coffee shop nearby...
lgpun tgh tunggu K.Harlina tu sampai..lambat pulak die tuh..

my only loot..
i should be happy..but....
Yup happy for my hubby laah..sbb diri sendiri tak dapat Hermes..alih2 die yg dapat dulu..
bergaya betul!!!

So after we met and sembang2, K.Ipah and her friend went to Harrods..
diorang ajak jugak, but makcik dh tak larat lah....

so just pegi jalan2 around Oxford Street je la beli ape2 yg patut for mummy and baby.. ;))

teka kt mane nih??hehe...
mane lg..fitting room laaahh..
this was at GAP Bond Street..
mase tu byk maternity sale!!! and bercam whore laa sorang2... ;p

mase ni dh brp bulan ek??around 7+ kot..
tgh melaram my Chanel belt..
actually K.Ipah bought the same one..rugi we didn't take pics..aisssshhh...

and thats my new GAP dress..heheh..




ok this is my loot..
simple je..jadi lah for simple person..

Hermes Silk Tie for my beloved hubby...
eh die pun tak tau lagi coz our anniversary will be in few days time..

tp hrtu he was browsing my phone and saw the H paperbag pics, tetiba die tanye i beli ape..
ayooo tak penah pulak die tanye i shopping2 ape ni..
tetiba terkena brg die tanye pulak..

but i said it was for someone else...heheh...
selamat dah..puas jugak nk sorokkan benda ni coz my room now dh crowded..byk sgt brg..
ish pening betullah...

Hope he likes it..
wifey die pun x dpt Hermes lg tau!!!
blh la die pakai gi annual dinner ke or kenduri kawin..but nk pakai kt London i tak tau la bile..
susah betul die nih..alih2 pakai tie koleq... blueeekkkk....


ok I think that's it this time...

after this sale ade lg satu surprise..but will blog about it later..
pun benda yang tak pernah termimpi nk dapat..but of course la for the wifey kan..kan..hehe..

p/s: 10 days to my EDD, baby ni takmo kuar2 lagi ke?
penat dah duk umah..my mom pun dh sampai..
nway pray for me okay!!! ;)


farah said...

konfemmm tie koleq cabok tuh jugak pilihan hati mereka!!...hahaha...

pergh meletops si keme tuh dtg semata2 shopping, aku rase apr nih nnt die dtg lagik kot, bawak group die plak.....kate bawak bentleykannn....boleh ler dtg london stok cam balik kg jek...;p

naza said...

Farah: tu lah..actually dh byk gak beli tie but mmg x pakai..but this time akan ku paksa jua..haha..

OneWan said...

yup! agreed with farah! hehehe :P me masa memula kenal je beli hadiah tie sekali. pastuh terus surrender! hahaha

Anonymous said...

pumps wana soft pink tu cantik :)