Another 3 days till due date..
My baby still staying comfy in the oven..nk tunggu Anniversary koot...jgn la baby..mummy x larat dah ni...
This time prediction x betul langsung..i've been staying at home for about 3 weeks now.and still not in labour!!study jgn ceritalah..malas nk mamps..hehe..buku or journal x sentuh langsung!! Habisla after cuti nnt..mesti stress giler2!!
My mom pulak dh sampai about 2 weeks n i think she got bored staying with her moody dotter..
Yup i'm easily got mad these days..PMSing or just stressed bout when and when and also asyik nk kemas rumah..
Penat betul duk rumah ni..can't imagine org duk rumah full time..mmg salute habis hubby duk umah relax je sbb mate die x npk benda2 bersepah ni!! Me?? Owh gile stress..n semua x blh kotor sket..dh la xde org nk di suruh2..huhu!!! Bile dh buat sendiri n penat mula lah nk membebel..dpt pulak org buat dunno je..boiled tau!!!
On the other note, Alhamdulillah hubby got a new's not totally on us..he needed it for the biznes n sbb we'll use it too so we contributed a bit.. Thanks to the big bosses in Ireland yg sgt baik senang hati sket lah esp when the moment comes..
Actually I had Brixton hicks contractions several times since last night..but still not continuously.. Nk tunggu due date betul2 kot..
Adib was 1 day late but Adam was 1 week early.. Ingatkan this time will be early too but emmm..dunno lah..
Mmg btulla org tua kate every pregnancy lain2.. Dh no.3 pun but the anxiety still there..panic etc..
Whatever it is, hope everything goes pun tgh rase contraction a bit..dunno lah bile..huhu..
The sooner the better..
Pray for me n baby for safe delivery okies!! Thanks!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
tu la duk tertunggu2 jugak the good news ni. agaknya betul la nak tunggu anniversary kot. :) btw all the best, semoga dipermudahkan!
Mmg penat menunggu this time..nway thanks!
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